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Samples are processed and analyzed in our Sherbrooke, QC facility. Samples can be shipped to:
Allumiqs Solutions, 975 Rue Leon-Trepanier, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, J1G 5J6
We work with customers from around the world with a diverse range of scientific interests and business goals in the biopharma and biotechnology sectors as well as academic and government organizations.
We believe that every project is a collaboration with our customers. We invest our expertise in the goals of your project and bring together a multidisciplinary team to deliver the data you need to move your discoveries forward.
Yes, we do. HCP, large molecule, ADC, and viral vector characterization by LC-MS, bioanalysis and metabolism,. In situ aggregation analysis are some of the solutions we offer in this area.
Don’t see exactly what you need? Get in touch with one of our team members, we would love to hear about your project.
Our team has in-depth experience and capabilities in providing customers with solutions in deep liquid biopsy and tissue biomarker discovery, proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics assay development and quantitative profiling.
Don’t see exactly what you need? Get in touch with one of our team members, we would love to hear about your project.
Yes, we provide omics-driven model characterization and development, efficacy and toxicity monitoring, and Pharmaco dynamic biomarker monitoring, from FFPE, tissues biopsy, whole tissues, cells and liquid biopsies.
Don’t see exactly what you need? Get in touch with one of our team members, we would love to hear about your project.
Yes, we work with customers to de-risk their drug development pipelines. Our solutions include Mechanism of action, target engagement, target identification, Protac screening, CRISPR/Cas9 validation (on and off target), off and on target effects, and LC-MS based assays for drug screening.
Don’t see exactly what you need? Get in touch with one of our team members, we would love to hear about your project.
We take a solutions approach to provide you with optimized bottom-up proteome, metabolome, and lipidomics workflows. Combined with state-of-the-art technology and experience, we help to advance your discoveries from ideas to impactful results. In collaborative projects with customers, we develop individualized workflows, incorporating optimal combinations of our sample prep strategies, LC-MS capabilities, multiomics expertise, and data analytics.
You can find the latest publications from our customers, collaboration partners, and science team in our Posters and Publications online library.
We are always implementing the latest LC-MS instruments in our lab to get the most out of every sample and acquisition. We currently run customer samples on Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris™ 480, and Shimadzu Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS 8060, in SWATH DIA mode on our SCIEX TripleTOF 6600+ and ZenoTOF 7600 platforms, all coupled to microflow HPLC systems.
We have recently added the Seer Proteograph™ Product Suite to our lab, expanding our depth of coverage for species-agnostic plasma proteomics.
We are currently developing a platform to encompass our proprietary data analysis tools.
We would love to hear about your project. Simply fill out a few details on this form and one our team members will be in touch.
You can shop online or we accept orders by email at
If your organization requires a purchase order process we can provide a quote and/or register for your supplier platform.
Yes, we are registered on both platforms.
Visit us on OR Science Exchange
We accept payment via credit card, PayPal, electronic funds transfer or wire transfer. If your organization requires a purchase order process we can provide a quote and/or register for your supplier platform.
Allumiqs is authorized sales partner for ReSyn Biosciences and Promise Proteomics in Canada and the United States.