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Untargeted or Targeted Lipid Analysis
Get a semi-quantitative profiling of many classes of biologically relevant lipids using our high resolution instruments.
Chromatographic separation of the different lipid species that are in your samples allows the mass spectrometer to provide the best possible quantification. By choosing the right column chemistry, we ensure that the lipids you want to measure are adequately isolated and analyzed by the instrument. For example, the quantification of isobaric lipids can only be done if the lipids are separated before entering the mass spectrometer.
The choice of a targeted method over an untargeted experiment is yours to make, but we’ll be happy to help you pick the right one for your needs. Targeted lipidomics methods provide the most accurate quantification, but are limited in the number of different lipids we can see in one injection. Alternatively, untargeted lipidomics workflows provide a relative quantification of every detectable lipid in your sample, at the cost of loosing in both accuracy and identification. Either way, you will benefit from our team’s expertise to get the most out of your data!
Some of the lipid classes covered by our methods outlined above are listed on the right.
Infusion lipidomics provides a fast strategy to measure different classes of lipids by combining multiple analysis.
In this method, in contrast to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), the lipid samples are infused into the mass spectrometer without prior separation by liquid chromatography. Generated ions are then separated and quantified relative to internal standards and the instrument records the signal in a data-independent manner. This MS-based lipidomics workflow allows quantification of several thousands of lipids in one experimental setting.
The high resolution and MS/MS technology enables our instruments to provide fast, reliable tools for untargeted lipidomics studies.
This approach is often useful in pathway analysis to develop a hypothesis around the lipid of interest. The hypothesis can be further tested by other methods such as targeted lipidomics.
Get quantitative data for up to 6500 proteins in your samples with our label-free quantitative proteomics workflow.
Sample profiling using either untargeted metabolomics or selected panels of targeted metabolites is the best technique.
Get the big picture by combining proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics data.
We help customers unlock the value and potential of their data with clearer, deeper insights.